Resolve to Improve Employee Engagement in 2019

New Year’s Resolutions Any Organization Can Stick To

It’s that time of year again … the time to make grandiose resolutions to boost employee engagement and productivity. The sky’s the limit! Dream big! Inspire! Motivate!

Hmmm …

Resolutions, the act of creating resolutions, are problematic. However well-intentioned they may be, resolutions, more often than not, fall flat fast. Only about 8% of individuals stick to resolutions. Organizations don’t trail too far behind. What company would make a plan that has about a 90% chance of failing? It’s about as effective as putting up a dartboard with employee needs and seeing where the dart lands.

You might as well spear employee engagement in the foot with that one.

The act, though, of reflecting on the previous year is one that all of us can benefit from – individuals and organizations.

What went right?

What went wrong?

What processes can we improve?

The best way to dig deep into these question is through an employee engagement survey. Or by reviewing the previous year’s employee engagement survey results, action plans based on the survey, and where the team needs to go. Even if you haven’t done a survey, it’s important to take the time to be critical about the previous year.

So how can organizations make meaningful resolutions?

Don’t make resolutions.

Any employee engagement improvement plan must be decision-driven (not resolution-driven). We all love to dream big – the latter – but organizations must make actionable decisions. So, instead of making resolutions, make decisions to improve employee engagement in 2019.

1. Create a culture of accomplishment. Set clear goals – short, medium, and long-term goals. Review them often.

2. Empower your team. Be strategic about developing employee influence in your organization. Give your employees stakes in the game.

3. Communicate often. Engage in real communication with your team. Communication has to be multi-dimensional. Listen fearlessly to your team! Let honesty drive communication. Feedback is the most powerful management tool there is, and the most under-used.

4. Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude. Create a culture of gratitude. Gratitude leads to a higher rate of attentiveness, investment in projects, and employee drive. Build a culture of gratitude to improve employee morale.

5. Hit the books! Give your team opportunities to develop and learn. Provide access to workshops, conferences, and even a library of the best books that relate to your organization. When employees feel like they’re growing, they’re more engaged.

So, as tempting as it may be to break out the resolution list, hold back and create a decision list. Find ways to engage your employees not only in January, but throughout the entire year.

We look forward to seeing you here in 2019. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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